Waiting for God’s Best

fruitpatienceRead or Listen: Psalm 37:7a

Years ago, when I was a high school band director, I had the opportunity to take 60 high school students on a charter bus to Orlando.  In the late afternoon, we left our small town in Missouri and traveled through the night.  About 7 am the next morning, the students began grumbling about being hungry and wanted to stop for breakfast.  I informed our bus driver that we could stop anytime and feed our group.  Back then, about every two miles, you would have seen a billboard saying, “Waffle House, Next Exit”.  Every time the students saw one of these advertisements, they would begin to chant and cheer.  The bus driver seemed oblivious to the desires of his passengers and continued south.  This scenario played out over and over again as we passed billboard after billboard that promised exquisite dining at the next Waffle House.  I began to question the driver’s intelligence so I “reminded” him that we were ready to eat!  He continued on his course until finally the bus exited.  The bus broke into cheers, but I was perplexed because this exit didn’t have a Waffle House sign.  I thought, “What is this crazy driver doing?” The bus stopped in the parking lot of a restaurant we (mid-westerners) had never heard of – Cracker Barrel!?!  Needless to say, we had one of the best breakfasts of our lives that morning.

As I got back on the bus, the Lord reminded me of my lack of patience and trust, and how I often acted the same way with Him.  Our bus driver knew where the best breakfast was.  Because we yielded to his leadership, we were blessed with a great breakfast. God has a perfect plan for our lives and we need to trust His timetable, His direction, and His provision.  When we wait on the Lord and rest in Him, we receive God’s best.  The danger of impatience is that we might miss His blessing. So, seek His ways and His timing.  Anything else will be second-best.

Prime-Time Discussion:

Give an example of a time that you did not wait for “the best”.  What were the results of your impatience?

What is your typical reaction when you have to wait?  In what ways should you react differently?

Night-Time Prayer:

Dear Lord, help me to obey as I wait on your plans for my life.  Help me to trust your leadership when I tend to take matters into my own hands.  I seek You and Your best for me.

devotion by Steve Gillespie


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