Trusting God’s Will

Read or Listen: Matthew 26:36-40 or Mark 14:32-36

We’ve all been there.  That prayer you’ve prayed, over and over.  You asked God to intervene, heal, restore, provide, or simply just answer.  You were specific.  You were persistent.  You had faith in God’s power.  But still, God seemed silent, or your prayer wasn’t answered like you desired.  You are not alone.  We’ve all been there.  Jesus has been there.

gethsemaneThe scene is the Garden of Gethsemane.  Jesus is praying a heart-wrenching prayer.  Read Matthew 26:36-40 and Mark 14:32-36.  Jesus knew that His Father had the power to intervene, and was asking God come up with an alternate plan.  The text says that Jesus was on His face, praying “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me”.  If you’re like me, you’ve probably prayed several similar prayers; pleading with God to do what we ask.  However, it’s Jesus’ next words that are harder for us to pray… “not as I will, but as You will.”  In these words, Jesus demonstrated complete trust in God and His plan.  In obedience, Jesus brought his desires in line with the Father.

Choosing God’s will over our own is so difficult, especially when we want something so desperately.  Our emotions try to convince us there is no possible way other than “our way”.  However, we can submit to God’s will instead of our own because God is absolutely trustworthy.  We know that His love is pure.  God has our best interest at heart, and He always does what is most beneficial for us, no matter how it appears at the time.  God never fails, is consistently reliable, and never abandons us.

So, let’s pray like Jesus did.  We have the all-knowing, all-powerful Ruler of the universe looking out for us in perfect love.

Prime-Time Discussion:

In what circumstances do you find it most difficult to trust God and His plans?

Give an example of a time that “God’s way” was better that “your way.”

Night-Time Prayer:

Lord, help me to trust You and Your will for my life.  Help my desires and actions to be in line with your purposes and plans.

devotion by Steve Gillespie