The ‘Grid’

legoRead or Listen: Matthew 7:21-27

Perhaps you’re like me and you’ve asked the question: “Who am I?”  And the younger you are, the more you ask… there’s definitely an identity crisis in my generation.  We are asking questions that others have never asked before.  Questions that have seemed so simple are now so complicated. Questions of origin, of gender, of purpose, of choice…

Some might condemn these questions of self-consciousness… but not God!  Why? Because they come from Him—and lead us back to Him.  We are supposed to discover that our identity BEGINS with Him, not apart from Him.  So many today are left empty trying to find themselves without Him.

Consider my boy’s Lego table for a moment.  Every great Lego creation we’ve ever constructed began on that cool mat that offers a grid to build on. It all starts with the foundation.  If that’s off, everything else is.

Your life needs a ‘grid’ as a foundation, and Jesus Christ offers His for you to build on. (Read about Mr. Rocky & Mrs. Sandy in Matt. 7) Our grid—as Christians—is His righteousness.  It’s His life.  It’s the Gospel.

The problem enters when we don’t behave like we believe. Our beliefs should affect our behavior. Our actions should reflect our attitudes—even unconsciously. The struggle comes alive when we know what we should do—but don’t do it. When what you believe and what you do aren’t in alignment, you begin to feel like you’re wasting your time and your life doesn’t matter. When we don’t live according to what we truly value, life is nothing but frustration and disappointment.

Don’t live another day off the grid, build your life—today—on the Word of God.

Prime-Time Discussion:

Has v21-23 ever made you question whether you were truly a Christian?
Rehearse your salvation experience (true salvation is by grace—not works).

What is the ‘shifting sand’ that Jesus spoke about?  …ever been there?

What would it look like if you lived a whole day on ‘the Grid’? How would you feel when your head hit the pillow?

Night-Time Prayer:

Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God, the Life, the Truth, and the Way.
Teach me to build my life on your word.

devotion by Patrick Nix