A Servant’s Heart

004-jesus-washes-feetRead or Listen: John 13:1-17

One of my fondest memories of growing up was of my mother and her servant’s heart.  She was a fantastic cook and always made our meals together very special.  I would get excited when she would invite guests over for dinner, because she would set a table fit for a king!  The spread  would consist of a huge, cooked-from-scratch meal, hot yeast rolls, sweet tea, followed by her incredible homemade desserts!  My mouth still waters thinking about them today.  She served us all and seldom sat down.  She was busy tending to our needs.  She truly loved cooking and serving everyone. She was a special lady with a servant’s heart.

In John 13:1-17 Jesus shows a beautiful example of how to humbly serve in love.  It was a custom in Jesus’ time for a servant or host of the home being visited to wash the dusty, sandal-clad feet of the guests.  They did a lot of walking on dirt roads back then!  But in the Upper Room there was no servant.  None of the disciples volunteered to do this dirty task, so Jesus took it upon himself in order to teach His disciples a lesson in not thinking too highly of yourself.  Jesus got up, took a towel, poured water into a basin and began washing His disciples’ feet.  Then He dried  them  with a towel that was wrapped around His waist.  Jesus told them to learn from Him. Jesus said, “If you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.”

To be a follower of Christ, let us GO beyond ourselves and love each other whole- heartedly.  Some ideas for service that most people avoid are visiting our widows or shut-ins,  church work days and helping with the children.  Some other ideas may come to your mind.  Let us allow the love of Jesus to flow through us with a servant’s heart.

Prime-Time Discussion:

Do you have any fond memories of family meal-time? Who in your family loves to serve?Do you have a servant’s heart?
What do you think about Jesus being a servant?  Shouldn’t He be the One served?  How can we serve Jesus?

Night-Time Prayer:

Father, thank you for Your Son, Jesus and for this example of serving others He wants us all to learn.  Help us go beyond ourselves and look for the ways you want us to serve each other daily.

devotion by Louie Roberts