Reaching Out

TheHemOfHisGarment_PistellaRead or Listen: Mark 5:21-34

Imagine for a moment the depths of this woman’s hardship. For 12 long years she suffered with a blood disease. Because of this, she was unclean. She wouldn’t be welcomed in public, she wouldn’t be able to worship at the synagogue, and she definitely wouldn’t be allowed to touch the rabbi.

For over a decade, she had gone to all the doctors that she could and spent all of her money, but not a single doctor could help. Not a single penny spent could purchase the remedy. Certainly she dreamed of a time when she would be welcomed among the crowds, but it never came.

See in verse 26 the extent of her trial: “…and who had suffered much under many physicians, and has spent all that she had, and was no better but rather became worse.”

She was at the end of her rope. Then…she made her way to Jesus. Not worrying about what she was supposed to do or not do, she weaved her way through the crowd to Jesus. Then in faith, she reached out…and she touched his garment. Instantaneously, Jesus did what no physician had been able to do in 12 years. The Savior healed her. This is what happens when people reach out and grab a hold of Jesus. He brings wholeness and life to the broken and dead. We seek wholeness and life by so many things of this world, but only One can bring it. His name is Jesus. This is great news! This is what Jesus brings!

So, how did this woman get to Jesus? Can you spot the unnamed hero in v27? Somewhere, somehow, by someone this woman had heard something about Jesus. We don’t know who they were or what they said, but they risked telling this unclean woman that possibly Jesus could help her too. The dramatic change in the woman was undoubtedly worth the risk.

Prime-Time Discussion:

How has Jesus changed your life for the better?

Why does the world need to know that Jesus can bring healing and wholeness?

Who is someone you need to tell about Jesus?

Night-Time Prayer:

Jesus, thank you for saving me and making me whole. Give me an opportunity this week to tell someone about you, and provide me with boldness to proclaim to them what you have done.

devotion by Jacob Haywood