2 Miracles in 1 Day

waitRead or Listen: Mark 5:21-42

Have you ever heard someone say, “I can’t wait until Christmas”, or “I can’t wait until it’s summertime”, or “I can’t wait until this day is over”.   Maybe you’ve said something like that.  We just don’t like to have to wait.  

In Mark 5:21-42, Jesus encountered a man named Jairus.  He has to be one the most patient persons in the Bible.  Jairus came to Jesus and fell at his feet, begging Jesus to come with him and heal his little girl who was dying.  Jesus agreed to his request and they started for his home.  I’m sure in Jairus’ mind they weren’t moving fast enough.  To make matters worse, there was a large crowd surrounding Jesus as they went.  As we read the story, we find that Jesus stops along the way and performs an amazing miracle, (the “hem of his garment” miracle).  What if you were Jairus, having to “wait” for this miraculous sequence to play out, knowing your daughter was on her death bed?  Would you stand by quietly, or would you be tugging on Jesus’ arm, anxious to get going, frantically pushing the crowd away?

Jairus said nothing. He had to wait on Jesus. Then word came that his daughter had died.  Jesus replied, “Do not fear, only believe.”  To Jairus’ credit, he did just that and got to experience a second miracle that day.

Sometimes the most difficult thing in the world to do is wait on God to act.  God does not always work on the time schedule we would initially hope for.  Jesus does not always answer our prayers and requests in the way we had initially hoped.  But, we can be patient because we know that Jesus is in complete control.  Like Jairus, we find that when God does act, it is usually much more powerful and beautiful than what we had imagined it would be.

Prime-Time Discussion:

What is your first reaction when you have to wait for something?

What are the most difficult things for you to wait on?

What does Jairus’ story teach us about waiting on God?

Night-Time Prayer:

Lord, help me to trust you at all times, even when I have to wait for you to act.  Help me to have an attitude that brings honor to you and help me to not miss the other “miracles” that may happen while I wait for “my miracle” to come.

devotion by Steve Gillespie