Little Man, BIG Transformation

hugging-jesusRead or Listen: Luke 19:1-10

An encounter with the Son of God will change your life forever.  There was a short man who, after meeting the Savior, was never the same.  Zaccheus was a wee-little man who was a tax collector (and a crooked one at that).  Money was his life and it made him a slave.  He would cheat and rob people by manipulating the system…like the government does today.

Money grips us and reveals the truth about our hearts.  Our heart follows our money.  However, money is amoral that means it’s neither good nor bad.  Money in the hands of Zaccheus before he met Christ became an instrument of wrath.  Money in the hands of Zaccheus after he met Christ became an instrument of grace.

Jesus knows that worldly things can control us.  Zaccheus was controlled by his wealth.  Greed is very powerful but there are many others such as power, popularity, hatred, hoarding or jealousy.  Whatever it is that controls us, Jesus wants to release it.  Why, because we cannot allow the Spirit of God to control us if we are slave to another.  The Bible clearly says we cannot serve two masters.  We will hate one and love one. Romans 6:17-18 says that we were slaves to sin, but became obedient to the teachings and have been freed from sin…now we are slaves of righteous living!

Once Zaccheus found Jesus he was changed.  His heart was changed, his mind was changed and his desires were all new.  When we trust and obey Jesus we are transformed from being self-centered to being others-centered.  That is how we present ourselves as slaves to righteousness.  What happened to Zaccheus has been happening to countless people throughout time.  Jesus gets our attention and then transforms us by his power and love.  Once you encounter the Son, you are never the same.

Prime-Time Discussion:

Have you encountered Jesus? How have you changed since you encountered Jesus?

What does it mean to be a slave to sin? What is the BIG thing that enslaves you?

What does it mean to be a slave to righteousness?

Night-Time Prayer:

Thank you Jesus for coming to seek after ME and to save ME because I was lost without hope.  Give me grace to live a holy and blameless life in a selfish and corrupt world.

devotion by Eric Tyree