If We Only Knew

Click to Watch Listen to Casting Crowns' "Come to the Well"

Click to Listen: “Come to the Well”

Read or Listen: John 4:5-15, 39-42

She thought she was standing by a well talking to a man, but really she was standing by a hole in the ground talking to The Well!  He revealed Himself so clearly, she had nowhere to turn.  God seeks to show you WHO He is and WHAT He can do.  In John 4:10, Jesus nearly says, ‘I asked you for water, but if you only knew who I am and what I want to give you, you would have asked me!’  He was using her thirst as a way to communicate her need… Watch a modern day re-telling of the story here.

Water is the both the most-common & the most-needed resource on earth, but it is meaningless until you truly feel its lack.  Over your lifetime, you will require 1.5 million gallons of it. You cannot live longer than a week or two without it. It facilitates weight loss and mental concentration. Our Lord uses the simplicity of water and thirst to illustrate this woman’s need—our need. When someone says they don’t know God, we should understand it is an issue of desire.  He has made Himself as available as water; people do not know God because they don’t want to.

It doesn’t matter where you are, who you are, or what you’ve done.  He invites you to come to the well. If we only knew who God is and what He can do, we would not hesitate to run immediately and drink fully.  He doesn’t invite some and refuse others.  He doesn’t play favorites.  He seeks all to find their everything in Him.  He loves all (John 3:16) – no exceptions.

Basically, Jesus tells this woman that only He can truly satisfy her cravings and, if she would drink of His living water, He would allow her to be a need-meeting source of living water to others. And that’s exactly what happened! She left her encounter with Christ and created a thirst in the whole town for Him.  By the time it was all over, nobody in the town was thirsty; they had all been satisfied in Jesus. And to think God wants to use You like that!

Prime-Time Discussion:

When you are hot and thirsty, what do you want to quench your thirst?

Spiritually, we are all thirsting for something. What are you most thirsty for? Love, peace, hope, forgiveness?

We often turn to ‘worldly wells’ in an effort to satisfy our thirsts. What is a well you have tried? Did it satisfy?

Night-Time Prayer:

Jesus, You are Living Water. I come to You to be my satisfaction; I am sorry for seeking it in other things. Please use me to quench the thirst in those around me.

devotion by Patrick Nix