Give Them Eyes to See

hosannaRead or Listen:  Matthew 21:1-11

On February 7, 1964, thousands of people rushed into JFK Airport in New York to watch the arrival of a very important Boeing 707. You see, a certain boy band that had forever changed the voice of music was about to step foot on American soil for the very first time. As the doors swung open and John, Paul, George, and Ringo stepped out, The Beetles were immediately met with thunderous applause. After months of hearing this new music, the American people had waited patiently for the day that the beloved band would finally come to the United States… and now they were here.

Now let’s flip back a couple thousand years earlier to a scene very similar to the one mentioned above. Jesus is beginning to make His triumphant entry into Jerusalem. I want you to imagine this day! Hundreds of people all waving palm branches and yellingHosanna! The word literally means: Save us now!  You see, the Jews didn’t really see the TRUE reason for why Jesus was coming. They were viewing Jesus as their militaristic leader who had come to wipe away Roman oppression; however, this was not the case.

I can only begin to imagine what the ride into Jerusalem was like for Jesus. I am sure that this ride was not one of excitement like The Beatles experienced as they stepped out of their plane. Take a minute and read Luke 19:41-42.  Luke tells us that Jesus wept over the city as he approached. For Jesus, today was the beginning of rejection. It was the beginning of the whole purpose of why He came to this Earth. Jesus saw the big picture. He knew that the people crying “Hosanna” would very soon be the ones screaming “Crucify Him!” As we approach this Easter, I pray that the Lord will give us eyes to see the depth of the love that He displayed for us on the cross.

Prime-Time Discussion:

All throughout Jesus’ life He fulfilled prophecy. In this story what are the different ways Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecy?

There are many people that we meet everyday who have been “walking blind.” This Easter, who are you going to invite to church and commit to pray that the they will receive sight through Jesus Christ?

Night-Time Prayer:

Lord, please give me eyes to see. Let me view things through a heavenly point of view. God Show me what You would have me to do!

devotion by Channing Gillespie