A Special Place

cozy-white-rooms-600x493Read or Listen: Mark 11:15-18

If you were to visit the home of my in-laws, you would see that they live in a very nice, large, and beautiful home. It’s a great place for family gatherings and it’s often buzzing with activity. However, there’s this one room in the house, called “The White Room,” that’s off-limits!  It’s a beautiful room with white carpet, white furniture, white fireplace mantel, and ornate décor. My in-laws have 10 grandkids, so you can imagine the stress placed on us as parents, faced with the responsibility of keeping the kids out of the White Room. It’s a major incident when little footprints are left on the manicured white carpet. No one is allowed in this area because it is a special place.

After Jesus’ triumphal entry in to Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple and found the money changers & the merchants selling animals for sacrifice. Not only were these business practices happening in the temple, but these people were overcharging for their services, taking advantage of the people who needed sacrifices.  God’s worship requirements were being used as a means of personal profit to line the pockets of the merchandisers.

Read Mark 11:15-18.  Jesus was angered at the desecration of this special place. Jesus’ actions teach us that we displease God greatly when we change His desired purposes.  Especially if our purpose involves materialism or satisfaction of human desires, instead of giving Him honor and praise.  Jesus quoted Scripture: “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations.  But you have made it a den of robbers.”  In this, Jesus showed His passion for the things of God and also revealed His authority.  Jesus demonstrated the importance of this special place. A few days later, through the cross and the empty tomb, he demonstrated the importance of a special relationship; a relationship with Jesus Christ that brings forgiveness, hope, and eternal life.

Prime-Time Discussion:

Are there any attitudes or actions that interfere with your relationship with God?

Make a list of things that are “special to God.”  As you look at this list, are these things special to you?

Night-Time Prayer:

Lord, help my attitudes and actions to be in line with Your purposes and plans.  Help me to value what You say is important and necessary in my life.

devotion by Steve Gillespie