One Way… Jesus

one_way_1240x1024Read or Listen: John 14:1-6

Jesus knew that some very difficult days were coming for the disciples and He wanted to strengthen their faith and encourage them…and us.  He began by calming their fears of the unknown.  He wanted them to keep in mind who He is, “the Son of God,” and that He would “never leave them nor forsake them.” He also wanted them to know that He has a lot of really nice places to live, and when He leaves for Heaven He will be getting one ready just for them.

The same holds true for us… He wants to strengthen you, to calm your fears, for you to know who He is, and be confident that He is with you. He wants us to be sure of Heaven—especially of our place there!

Jesus has to go away, but He promises to come back and get us so we can live with Him forever. Thomas is not quite sure of everything he has seen and heard so he wants Jesus to make it very clear. He asks “Where are you going?  How do we get there?” Thomas does not want to be left behind.  He wants to be with Jesus where ever He is going.

Jesus is happy to answer the question.  He does not want them (or us) to wonder how we will get to be with Him in heaven.  The sixth verse makes it very clear…   Jesus told the disciples (and us) exactly what we need to know. Jesus is the one and only way to a home in Heaven and to God the Father.

Heaven is a real place (Acts 1:11) full of real people (Phil. 30:20) living in real houses, walking on real streets of gold (Rev. 21:21), and will last a real long time! Don’t miss it!

Prime-Time Discussion:

In what three ways did Jesus refer to Himself? What does that mean?

How many ways are there to Heaven? Are you going?  How do you know?

What question(s) did Thomas ask Jesus? Was it wrong for Thomas to ask that question?

Night-Time Prayer:

Dear Lord, Thank You for your perfect plan to get us to Heaven!

devotion by Bruce DeVries