The Prayer for 1

jesus-jew-prayingRead or Listen: John 17:1-26

When I was a small boy growing up, my dad was a Baptist minister, and our family lived in the house right behind the church building…it was called the parsonage.  I can recall going over to dad’s study in the church building to tell him dinner was ready…and at times I would overhear him praying. Sometimes, I would sit down and listen to dad pray…these were special moments as I heard my dad talk to his Father.

In John 17, the Holy Spirit allows us to “sit down for a few minutes and hear Jesus talking to His Father”…one of the most intimate times we have on record of our sweet Savior. He is praying just before He goes to His betrayal, trial, and the cross.  In the prayer, Jesus is lifts up His followers then and now; (17:20), “those who will believe in me through their word”…which would include you & me who have received Him as Savior since the cross.

What was Jesus’ greatest burden for us just before He went to the cross? John 17:20-23 are key verses in this passage. Jesus wanted us as His children to be one with each other and to love one another…so that the world (of lost mankind) would believe the Father sent the Son, and that He loved them. It was unity for the sake of mission.

This oneness of love among Christ-followers is to mark our lives, homes, and our churches. Disputing, arguing, and fighting among ourselves present a great barrier before the watching world. Such behavior keeps them from believing the Father sent Jesus into the world out of love for them.

When we find ourselves living with differences of various sorts from other Christians, may our love for them transcend the differences…and may the world witness a supernatural love in our hearts for one another…and may they become convinced of Jesus’ love for them from seeing it in us!

Prime-Time Discussion:

How should we view people in other churches (even though they are different in some ways), yet they believe in Jesus and His cross as the only way of salvation?

If our neighbors see and hear us fighting and not getting along at home, does that make them want to embrace our Savior and believe in Him? Name one thing we could do to bring more peace to our home.

What does it mean to love one another and become ‘one’ even as Jesus and the Father were one? (Hint: Love is first a behavior before it is a feeling, We should behave towards other people with respect, dignity, and kindness…even if we have a disagreement.)

Night-Time Prayer:

Lord, help me to trust you at all times, even when I have to wait for you to act.  Help me to have an attitude that brings honor to you and help me to not miss the other “miracles” that may happen while I wait for “my miracle” to come.

devotion by Bob Cook