Three Crosses

VB1509103_lRead or Listen: Luke 23:32-43

Often romanticized and bejeweled, the symbol of the cross was not a thing of beauty or of religion when Jesus met it 2,000 years ago.  It was the most hideous, obscene instrument of death one could imagine.  The cross was man’s best attempt at a torturous hell on earth.  No person in their right mind would ever connect a cross with anything of church or piety. Just the mention of the cross sent chills down the spine of the worst evil-doers.  What was done on the cross would rival the acts of Hitler or Hussein, yet entirely legal—even encouraged—by society.  But on that spring day in Jerusalem, there wasn’t just one cross, there were three…

If there was ever a person who did not deserve the torture and shame of the cross, it was Christ.  He had never committed a sin – much less a crime.  Yet, there He was, dying… dying their death… dying for sin.

The Scriptures (Luke 23:39) tell us that Jesus was crucified between two thieves.  This first sinner is Mr. Skeptic.  He spoke to Christ in loud, harsh tones: “IF you are the Messiah, then show us. Save yourself and us.”  All he’s interested in is a quick fix – an escape from the pain.  His ‘prayer’ went unanswered; Mr. Skeptic died in sin.  If all we ever want is a band-aid salvation with no real repentance for sin – then we will die in sin, too.

On the other side was Mr. Faith, saying, “Your Majesty, think of me from your throne.” What an insightful statement! He believed the sign above the thorn-pierced head of our Savior: King of the Jews. He believed that Jesus was everything he claimed to be, and because of that, he was dead to sin! One moment, he was gasping for air on a cross and the next moment, he was breathing in the fragrant air of eternal paradise. If we will believe & confess that Jesus is Lord – then we will stand with Jesus in paradise, too.

Prime-Time Discussion:

Today is Good Friday… what is good about a man dying on a cross?

What do you think was the worst part of death by crucifixion?  (Parents, I realize that the cross was rated R—but it’s no reason to shelter your kids from it totally. Perhaps they can discover it a little at a time as they grow.)

All of us will find ourselves on one side of Jesus or the other. Which side do you want to be on… with Mr. Skeptic or Mr. Faith?

devotion by Patrick Nix

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