Passover Painting

Read or Listen:  Leviticus 23 & Exodus 12

Is the Passover feast an outdated Jewish Celebration?  

Challis_Roos_Passover_5Passover is just one of many feasts that the Lord commanded us to observe.  Why, because God is a storyteller and I think sometimes we are oblivious to the big picture and the awesome story He is telling.

Passover was a shadow picture of good things to come.  Jesus fulfilled every detail of the Passover when he was put to death. The same time that Jesus (Yeshua) rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, the high priest was marching through the gates with the Passover lamb.  As our Savior being interrogated by the high priest like the lamb was inspected for defect.  When the high priest finished his inspection of the lamb, he announced: “I find no faults”…the same words spoken by Pilate about the Messiah. After the priest had slain the Passover lamb, he yelled out “It is finished.”  Do you see a pattern?  Jesus was THE LAMB. The atonement for sin had been completed not by a lamb…but by THE LAMB, the lamb of God.

Why did we rehearse this for thousands of years…because God was painting a beautiful picture.  To unbelieving Jews this is an ancient story about God’s power and the Exodus from Egypt.  To us as believers it is the most glorious story of redemption revealed throughout time in God’s unique way.

This Easter I challenge you to dive into Bible history—into God’s story—instead of candy-filled eggs. Concentrate on the beautiful pictures that The Almighty paints instead of pretty dresses and new suits, and remind yourself of the cost that God paid to redeem us.

Prime-Time Discussion:

Why did everyone in Jerusalem have palm branches?  Why didn’t Jews recognize all the signs?  Why do many Jews still deny that Jesus (Yeshua) was the promised one.

Did God ever really accept the blood of bulls and goats as atonement for sin?

Night-Time Prayer:

I sing praise to you Father that we have a sacrificial lamb forever in Christ Jesus our Savior.  Plow my heart and let me see your story, not marred by tradition.

devotion by Eric Tyree

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