
Read or Listen: Mark 6:3; John 7:5; 1 Corinthians 15:7

jesus chabged my life (404x277)Has something amazing ever happened to you, like you caught a ginormous fish or you actually saw Bigfoot, and when you told somebody, they didn’t believe you at all? Well, something like this happened with Jesus. Jesus himself was the amazing thing that happened. He was God in the flesh. He was the God-man, fully God and fully man. And, his brothers did not believe Him. One of these brothers was James. Throughout Jesus’ life, through all of His miracles, and even through His death, his brother James did not believe Him. He didn’t believe that He was God. He didn’t believe that He was the Messiah that had been prophesied from times of old. He didn’t believe in Him…until…

Jesus rose from the dead. James knew that Jesus died. But, something miraculous happened that forever changed James’ life. Jesus rose from the dead. James no longer could deny Jesus. Though Jesus died, He appeared to James. And, He was alive. Wow! He really was God! He really was the Messiah! James now believed.

When you meet the resurrected Jesus, your life changes. You can’t stay the same. James didn’t just believe in Jesus from this point forward, but he was changed. He became the leader of the church in Jerusalem, which was essentially the first church and the hub of the spread of Christianity. James is even mentioned first, next to Peter and John, when Paul mentions the pillars of the church (Galatians 2:9). Also, He is the author of the New Testament book of the Bible that has his name as the title, James.

But, not only did James live the rest of his life for Jesus…He also gave his life for Jesus. He was executed by stoning because of his faith. When you meet the resurrected Jesus, it doesn’t matter what your life was like before, but it means everything for the rest of your life and for eternity.

Prime-Time Discussion:

Share something that you have done that nobody has believed.

Why do you think James believed after Jesus was resurrected?

How has your life been changed by the resurrected Jesus?

Night-Time Prayer:

Jesus, thank you for dying for me and rising to defeat sin and death for me. Thank you for changing my life. Help me to live this day and every day for you.

devotion by Jacob Haywood