I Send YOU!

Read or Listen: John 20:21

I LOVE Easter! It’s one of my favorite holidays. Between the chocolate bunny and the bright colors, how can someone not love Easter time? But interestingly enough for many, Easter’s meaning and importance goes no further than a Cadbury Egg! We are all guilty. It is very easy to go through the motions of another Easter week. But do we really stop and realize the depth of the power that was displayed in an EMPTY GRAVE?

Let’s look at this passage. Easter is indeed about the fulfillment of what Jesus came to Earth to do, but it is ALSO about how He overcame the grave three days later! Hallelujah! In John 20 we see Jesus’ encounter with the disciples. Can I tell you something right off the bat? In the presence of Jesus, there is HOPE! Notice how the disciples attitude changes from fear to gladness! Can I tell you something else? The same Jesus that stood before the disciples way back when, is the SAME Jesus that is working in Your life today!

With that being said, let’s look at what Jesus tells His disciples in verse 21. Read John 20:21 again.

Does that sound familiar, Grace Park family? I know for myself personally, many times the thought of, “Man, had I’d only be in that room, this “evangelism thing” would be SO much easier!” The Lord will then very quickly remind me that the HOPE that He provided by stepping out of the grave is the same HOPE He provides me with everyday. Y’all we serve the resurrected King! We serve the One who conquered death… FOREVER! How can we stay silent? May this Easter week not be the only time we feel the need to tell someone about the HOPE that is in Jesus Christ! May we GO! The time is NOW!

Prime-Time Discussion:

Share a time in YOUR life that the Lord has provided You with HOPE.

Write a list of 5 people you will commit to tell about the HOPE that is in Jesus!

Night-Time Prayer:

Lord, thank you for the HOPE that is in You and You alone! You have called me to GO! May I not be silent about what You are doing, what You have done, and what You will do!

devotion by Channing Gillespie