House of Their Dreams

FBA409-FR-PH-CO-LGRead or Listen:  Psalm 127

I’m not a groupie, but I am thankful for Christian radio—especially considering the alternatives!! 🙂  I’m not a huge fan of the pop sound, but what really gets to me are the deep-lyrics, the meaty songs, the ones that tell a powerful story/parable. That’s probably why Casting Crowns is one of my favorites.  The lead singer is a youth pastor in Georgia and is hands-on in ministry every week.  On their last CD, he wrote a song about a family that literally opened the floodgates of tears the first time I heard it (and it still makes me tear up).  It’s called “House of their Dreams.”

It’s a song about the success of the American dream, and the tragedy that all-too-often accompanies it.  It’s a story about the choices that families make to have more, better, nicer.  And it’s a story about how the Enemy has used those choices against them.  Here’s the chorus:

Now they’re trapped in their own worlds, in their own wars
With their cell phones and the closed doors
It’s funny how quiet and peaceful that it seems
But they’re all alone together
In the house of their dreams

But, at the end of the song, there is a shift—a miracle! SPOILER ALERT: They go to church and keep up all appearances, but then the Lord touches Dad’s heart and he leads his family to pray.  He realizes that only God can build the family and that the only good foundation is The Rock, Jesus Christ.  So he starts the turn the tide right then; he breaks the isolation and the pattern.

The Lord is building His church through you, and the Enemy wants to destroy it—to destroy You & your family! I’m praying for your family.

Prime-Time Discussion:

What’s your favorite group / song on Christian radio?  Why?

This song is about the true cost of chasing the American dream. Do you agree with the song’s basic premise? Is it really that bad, or worse?

Night-Time Prayer:

Jesus, You are the Rock, my Rock, my Foundation. Help me to see You as the highest prize of my life… not success, not wealth, not approval, or any other worldly thing. I choose You.

devotion by Patrick Nix

Touched… and Never the Same

28Read or Listen: Mark 7:32

The great old Gaither song “He Touched Me” has always been a wonderful reminder of God grace working in my life as well as other Christians and the lost.  Doctors tell us the need for touch by babies is essential for development in  many areas of life. A rare picture of a baby being delivered by cesarean section clutching the doctors finger is a reminder of the need for physical touch early on.  This need extends to adults as well. Think of what touch must have meant to Helen Keller and other that are seeing-impaired.

Jesus told the disciple to let the little children come to him (Matt. 19). Then he touched them and prayed for them.

Jesus loves to touch people physically and spiritually through the Word and Holy Spirit no matter their condition.  No one is exempt from the need of a touch from Jesus:  lepers, prostitutes, drunks, dopers, liars, deacons, preacher,  Elders, SS teachers… Everyone!  In Mark 7:32 some people brought the ill to Jesus and begged for a touch from the Masters hand. He was happy to do as they asked!

The church family has a way to help and encourage through a touch physically or otherwise   Last Christmas, during “Touches of Christmas,” we touched the lives of people in many different ways. We can bring people to church and ask Jesus to touch them through the Word and music.  A simple hand shake can mean a great deal to someone that is hurting or discouraged.  We will never feel the touch of Jesus strong, tough carpenter hands in this life, but we can feel the touch of the Holy Spirit on our heart in a very real way. Who can Jesus touch through you in the coming days and weeks?

Prime-Time Discussion:

Is there anyone that Jesus would not touch?
When was the last time you felt the touch of Jesus on  your heart?
Do you know someone that Jesus could touch through you?
Will you begin looking for a chance to make a touch for Jesus.

Night-Time Prayer:

Heavenly Father, lead us to someone that is in need of a touch from you, and let us be your hands to them  for a heavenly touch. In Jesus name, Amen.

devotion by Bruce DeVries

Go Ahead, Ask Me!

keep-calm-because-jesus-lives-3Read or Listen: Romans 6:9

To quote a famous hymn (which I have been doing all along), He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way.  He Lives!  He Lives!  Christ Jesus lives today! This is one of my favorite hymns because…well…HE LIVES!  It’s not complicated folks. Jesus lives.  He’s at the right hand of the Father, he’s in the world and he’s in our hearts.  He is the one you give help to, the one that you serve and the person you visit.

You ask me, “Eric, how do you know that he lives?” Because He lives within my heart. He loves, cares and rescues me.  I can trust Him because he is faithful.  No matter what storms I may face, I can trust his sovereignty and leadership.  It doesn’t matter what happens in this life because the day of His glorious appearing WILL come!

You asked me.  I told you.  There is good news for you, O Christian!  So sing and rejoice.  Lift your voices and proclaim Jesus Christ.  No one is like Him!  No one is this loving!  No one is this good or this kind.  Do you know Him?  Does he live within your heart?  Jesus truly is the hope of all who seek Him and the help of all who find.  For those who find him, we will stand together and sing eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ our KING!

Prime-Time Discussion:

By the end of this lesson were you singing this memorable hymn?
How is Christ living within our hearts?
Explain how Jesus walks and talks with you?
How do you see Jesus working in the world today?

Night-Time Prayer:

Thank you Jesus that you are alive and well.  Thank you for being active and personal.  May we see more clearly your presence in this world.  When you bless, protect, forgive and even say NO.  Help our eyes and our ears to be tuned so we can honor you everyday.

devotion by Eric Tyree


14018703333_e2e7cf1b8a_zRead or Listen: John 6:44

God meets us where we are and His Spirit gently woos us to Himself. I see that in Scripture through the way Jesus interacted with people, from the woman at the well (John 4:1-45), to Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10), to His words in John 6:44. I also know its truth from personal testimony. Jesus met me where I was and drew me to Himself.

I was around 14 years old when I realized my need to make Christ a priority in my life. Through becoming involved in my church’s youth group, hearing truth and seeing real Christianity lived out through diverse relationships, God used one other means to draw my heart fully to Him. I didn’t yet know how to fully give Christ all of me, but I had a deep longing. I had never listened to Christian music before, but I felt a need to give Him even what I listened to. I got on the computer, having no clue what to search for, and typed in “Christian Music.” The first song that I listened to changed my life forever. It was God meeting me where I was (a young teenage boy) and drawing me to Himself.

The song was “Yours” by TobyMac. God knew that it was exactly what I needed, an anthem and reminder that I am giving all of myself to Christ…and it rocked! Here are some of the lyrics, ones that became a teenage boy’s heart cry by the grace of God.

I’m Yours…Take me as I am…I’m Yours…So take this space between us and fill it up!

I’m gonna shout it from the rooftops, Give it all I got…Shout it from the rooftops, So you can take your best shot…I’m gonna shout it from the rooftops, Give it all I got…Shout it from the rooftops, Like it or not!

Prime-Time Discussion:

In what special ways has God drawn you to Himself?

Why should we fully give Christ every area of our lives?

In your life right now, in what ways do you need to pray to God, “I’m Yours”?

Night-Time Prayer:

Dear Lord, I’m yours.  Take me as I am.  I’m yours. Take this space between us and fill it up!  I’m yours.

devotion by Jacob Haywood

Amazing Grace

AMAZING-GRACE1As I pen these thoughts for you, my precious people, my CD of choice has been on ‘repeat track’ for some time, playing the song…Amazing Grace!  I have no idea where I would be today, but for the grace of God in my life.

I could be totally out of church, not walking with Jesus…divorced after several marriages…having no respect from my children or grandchildren…struggling with self-destructive addictions, stemming from attempts to escape the pain and emptiness  of my life-choices. I could be in prison, or even dead, having cut my life short through health-abuse or suicide.

This I know: apart from the grace of God, my life would be utterly meaningless. I also have learned another great truth. Just as sure as God wants us to know His grace; He wants us to live with a song in our heart because of His abounding grace. Where our sins abound, His grace does much more abound!

In the early 80’s while going through severe ministry trials, God taught me through Hannah of old, that we can live life feeling sorry for ourselves…or we can choose to focus on Jesus…rejoicing in Him and how He will work all things out for our good, if we will trust Him and His unfailing love for us.

Oh, precious one, I implore you to rejoice in the Lord, even when you can’t rejoice in circumstances. Rejoice in your relationship with Him and in His love and faithfulness toward you! Think against your emotions. Bring the truths of Scripture against all the stuff you are feeling, thinking, and going through.

Don’t let your emotions and circumstances knock you around, dictating your attitude and disposition.  Let’s humble ourselves and submit to Him…and let’s choose to live with His song in our heart! David said, “This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!” Hallelujah, let’s sing!

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me…and it is His grace that will lead us home…with His song in our heart! Hallelujah! Let’s sing!

Prime-Time Discussion:

Share with your child a hard time you went through in your life…and whether or not you went through it with praise or with whining. You can share your vulnerabilities with your children.

Ask your child to share a hard time he/she went through in school this year. Does it goes against our feelings to have a right attitude when times are hard?

What do we do when we realize we have reacted to someone or to a problem in a wrong way?  Answer: We recognize it as sin; accept responsibility for our wrong response and ask God to forgive us. We apologize and ask for forgiveness if we need to…and we purpose to rejoice in faith when we may not understand all that’s going on.

devotion by Bob Cook

New & Old Doxology

worshipRead or Listen:  James 1:17

Music is a powerful gift from God! We are blessed to enjoy many types of music.  Imagine a world with only country, or only rap, or only classical music… I think I would just cry! LOL

There’s a new art form that is really gaining ground in our culture today: Spoken Word.  It’s 1/3 preaching, 1/3 poetry, and 1/3 music. Pastor Jacob introduced me to a new CD released this week by Shai Linne, and on it was this “Introduction” which really sets the stage for this week’s devotionals:

Theology is the study of God. Doxology is expression of praise to God.

So, the point is… all theology should ultimately lead to doxology. If theology doesn’t lead to doxology, then we’ve actually missed the point of theology.  So if you have theology without doxology you just have dead, cold orthodoxy (which is horrible, right?!). On the other side, you have the people who say, “Ah, forget about theology, I just want to praise.” But if you have doxology without theology, you actually have idolatry! Because it’s just a random expression of praise, but it’s not actually informed by the truth of who God is.  So God is concerned with both. He’s concerned with an accurate understand of Him and that accurate understanding of Him leading to a response of praise, adoration, and worship towards Him.

This year, the original Doxology is 340 years old. Take a moment to ponder the weight of these words:

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Prime-Time Discussion:

What kind of music is your absolute favorite? Who is your favorite artist/song-writer? Why?

Do you think we are more in danger of orthodoxy or idolatry? Do you agree with Shai’s challenge for balance in music?

If you didn’t already, sing the Doxology together.  It’s a simple, beautiful song.

Night-Time Prayer:

Father, Son, and Spirit, I give you praise. You alone are worthy.  Every good gift comes from you—including music. May I sing to your glory alone.

devotion by Patrick Nix