Take This Survey

“I have told the glad news of deliverance in the great congregation; behold, I have not restrained my lips, as you know, O Lord.  I have not hidden your deliverance within my heart;  I have spoken of your faithfulness and your salvation;  I have not concealed  your steadfast love and your faithfulness from the great congregation.”  Psalm 40: 9-10

survey1I received an email the other day from a restaurant that I visited recently.
They were taking a survey to get some feedback about my visit.  There were the normal questions concerning the food, the service, and the atmosphere.  There was also this question: “Would you recommend our restaurant to a friend?”  When we are satisfied with a product or service, we naturally want to tell others about it. We want the people we know to experience the good things that we experience.

Read Psalm 40:9-10.  In this passage, David is declaring God’s love, deliverance, faithfulness, and salvation.  He wants everyone to hear.  He wants everyone to know what he has experienced.  He is bold and unashamed.

Our relationship with Jesus should be viewed in the same way. His love, grace and mercy are the most satisfying things we could ever be offered, and they’re free! Through Him, we have hope, joy and the promise of eternity. There is no better product, service, or offer. If we are excited to share tips on restaurants, sales, or the best movie to see, we should be bursting at the seams to share the good news of salvation with those around us.

So, take this survey:  Are you thankful and grateful for what Christ has done in your life?  Has He delivered on His promises?  Has he made a difference in your life?  Would you recommend Him to a friend? 

Prime-Time Discussion:

Who is one person in your life who needs to hear about Jesus?  What can you do today to introduce him/her to Jesus?

Why is it harder to share about Jesus, than it is to recommend a restaurant or movie?  What can  you do to overcome this obstacle?

Night-Time Prayer:

Lord, I thank you for everything that I receive and experience in You.  Help me to tell others about all you’ve done.  Please provide opportunities and give me boldness to declare your faithfulness and salvation to those who need to hear.

devotion by Steve Gillespie

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