The Most Excellent Way

8839468-i-love-you-hdRead or Listen: 1 Corinthians 13:1-8

Paul said in Galatians that the acts of our sinful nature are obvious.  Because of our humanity, we don’t love as Jesus loved.  In fact, Paul says we have hatred and fits of rage which are the opposite of love and compassion.  Hallelujah we have been born again by the Spirit.   We now live by the spirit and seek to please our Heavenly Father. How do we please him?

Answer…LOVE.  We are to love others because God loved us first.  We are to be imitators of Christ.  But can we love the way He does?  Answer…NO? And that is why we worship Him.  Gods love is beautiful and here’s why.  God’s love (“agape” in the greek) is not based upon our actions, but upon his character.  His character is true and sincere.  God’s love is active and dynamic.  He is pursuing us and intimately working in our lives because he loves us.  God does not love because he expects something in return, but because he is love! His love is evident because of the gift of salvation…free for the taking.  Our Father’s love is not conditional upon how loveable we are, because lets be honest…at our core we are not very loveable.  Even at our best we cannot match this kind of love.  The Bible says “greater love hath no man…”

You will probably recognize this quote from the movie Fireproof,
“I did everything I could to demonstrate that I care about her, to show value for her, and she spat in my face! She does not deserve this, Dad. I’m not doing it anymore! How am I supposed to show love to somebody over and over and over who constantly rejects me?”

It was at this point that He saw the cross and realized the magnitude of God’s love.

This kind of love is monumental, colossal and never changing.  How many ways can we say it?  If Jesus were right here face to face with you the first words out of his mouth would be “I love you.”  God’s grace is proof of this.  Grace by definition is love or favor that is unmerited.  Not only did we not ask for this love, we rejected it.  Still,  God loved.

Prime-Time Discussion:

So what is the most excellent way?

Paul tells us in Corinthians 13.  If you have unlimited knowledge and understanding.  If you give exponentially and do amazing things for the good of others.  If you can speak with all eloquence and unfold the scriptures with amazing clarity but have not love…you are nothing.

Love is the most excellent way because God is unfailing and so is His love.

devotion by Eric Tyree

Use What You’re Given

Read or Listen: Matthew 25:14-21

The founder of the Salvation Army, General William Booth, was once asked about his great success in his life’s calling. General Booth hesitated a moment, then with tears streaming down his cheeks replied,

“I’ll tell you; God had all of me there was to have.  From the day I got the poor on my heart and had a vision of what Christ could do, I made up my mind that God would have all there was of William Booth…God had all the adoration of my heart, all the power of my will and all the influence of my life.”

The birth of the Salvation Army came about through a man who offered his life as a sacrifice to God.

Take a few minutes to read the parable of the talents in Matthew 25 (v14-21). The man in the parable that was given the five talents, like General Booth, was devoted, committed, and blessed with a fruitful increase.  It’s important for us to recognize the gifts and abilities that God has given to each of us.

It is equally important for us to realize what God wants us to do with these gifts and abilities. When we give God all that we are, He will do amazing things in us and through us.

As you seek to show God’s love to the world, He will use your unique gifts and abilities to reach others and minister in His name.  If you come with a willing heart, as a good and faithful servant, others are brought to God, you are blessed, and the Lord is glorified.

Are you using what you’ve been given?

Prime-Time Discussion:

What gifts and abilities have you been given?

How could God use these gifts and abilities through you?

What things tend to stand in the way of you surrendering your gifts and abilities to God? practices or priorities or family values that are very important to us all.

Night-Time Prayer:

Lord, help me to identify the gifts and abilities You’ve given to me.  Help me to give them completely to You to be used for Your purposes and Your glory.

devotion by Steve Gillespie