En-JOY Him

I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them. –John 17:13

water_pouring_into_glass_and_overflowing_pe0070522_SnapseedDo you ever feel like everything is moving so fast that you can’t even keep up? How about the times when kids are screaming? Or how about the times you’re stuck in traffic and you are already running behind? What about when a loved one has gone to be with the Lord? What about those times when you receive news that you just don’t want to hear? In some cases, it is hard for us to find joy in the middle of the hustle and bustle.

In Jesus’ final prayer, He prays for something very specific. He prays that His disciples would experience the FULL measure of HIS joy. You see, Jesus’ joy has a divine purpose: to reveal who He is. He desires for us to overflow with His joy so that when a dark and dying world looks upon our lives they see HIS victory over life’s worst conditions! My heart is always so amazed that when I think of the fact that in Jesus’ final hours, He is praying for JOY for US. For You!

Jesus saw the cross in that moment. He saw that everything that I, that you, that we, will ever deal with was about to be overcome. Death and sin were conquered and peace and joy forever took their place! Because of that, we are able to rejoice in EVERY situation.

In rush-hour traffic, in bad news, in the worst of times, the joy of the Lord will strengthen and sustain you! Jesus reminds us that joy comes from knowing the Father through the Son as a fruit of the Spirit. May joy overflow from within you today!

Prime-Time Discussion:

What does it mean to overflow with joy?

On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your joy factor?

Share with someone how the joy of Jesus Christ has transformed your life.

Night-Time Prayer:

Jesus, thank you that in every situation in my life I can have your joy! Help me focus on the joy you bring today! I want to overflow!

devotion by Channing Gillespie