How to Be More Patient

Read or Listen: James 1:4

Longsuffering isn’t a word we use much any more; it has nearly faded from modern vocabulary. We often substitute the word ‘patience’ instead – and rightly so, because they are so similar in meaning. Patience has the connotation of waiting, while longsuffering has the undertones of endurance. Longsuffering comes from a compound word, easily translated: “slow to wrath.” To explain this quality in someone, we would say they have “a long fuse.” The fruit of the Spirit is the work of lengthening that fuse.

‘Hurry up and wait.’ That ought to be my motto – but I hate it because it’s all-too-true. Much of life is waiting and most of our frustrations come from unrealistic or improper expectations about life and others. We think longsuffering is a good quality for the driver behind us, but never for the one in front of us! We presume that others should give us a liberal amount of slack, yet we fail to deliver the same. This only leads to more frustration, impatience, and anger.

Jesus didn’t go through life disappointed, frustrated, and angry. He knew there would be interruptions – He even welcomed them. He knew people would let Him down – He showed mercy. He raised the bar while lowering His expectations. He showed more love than He was shown, He gave more than we ever received, and it will have to be that way in our homes, with the ones we love, in order to see God’s fruit of longsuffering grow in us.

You were saved because God is longsuffering (2 Pet. 3:15) and now God is giving others the same opportunity – a 2nd, 3rd, & 4th chance – an opportunity that’s far too benevolent to be fair and too gentle to be justice… and He wants to use you! So, adjust your expectations properly and be prepared to show Jesus.

Prime-Time Discussion:

Which word do you prefer: patience or long-suffering?  Why?

Frustration is a work of the flesh (see Galatians 5:19-21). Can these things and the fruit of the Spirit live together in the same person at the same time?

Show God your gratitude for His longsuffering by allowing Him to
reproduce this fruit in your life!

Night-Time Prayer:

Sweet Holy Spirit, I ask you to fill me, empower me, mold me, make me. Teach me and lead me. Please be my Comfort as I seek patience through You today.

devotion by Patrick Nix